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Mid Season Update:
May 26, 2008

I just wanted to give all of you, my fans an update on my 2008 season to date. I must apologize for not updating the site as often as I should. With the 2008 edition of Boiling Point fast approaching and my own training and racing I have been quite busy!

As for this track season it has gotten off to a slow start, but to be fair to myself as soon as I finally dedicated myself to focusing on the distance events they have cut the 5000m from the national program. It is just not very reasonable to expect the same fast times and success I have obtained in the past at 800 & 1500m when I have now focused my training on the marathon.

I opened my season in Ottawa Ontario on May 10th competing at a regional qualifying meet in the 800 & 1500m events. My times were 2:34 & 4:54 respectively. This past weekend in London Ontario I competed in the second regional qualifier in the 1500 & 5000m events. I felt better going into this event but the times still were not where I would like them to be. (4:53, 16:57). The weather was perfect during my warm up early in the morning but the racing gods kicked a wind up right before the races started, a wind that just got stronger as the day got longer. All and all there were some positives to take out of this meet so it is coming along slowly.

I will be traveling to Tempe Arizona on June 11th-15th to compete at the U.S. Championships. July 1st I will be competing in the HBC 10km here in Windsor Ontario then the Canadian Track Championships are here in Windsor as well July 3-6th. The event I created last year Boiling Point is the following weekend July 12th.

I would like to do a half marathon in August or September as a measuring stick while I prepare for the Chicago Marathon on October 12th.
