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Sign Jeff's Guestbook

Name: Yvette Bowsher
Location: Wallaceburg
Email: bowsheyv@lkdsb.net
Message: Great website Jeff! Take care. Yvette
Posted: Tuesday, November 10th 11:02am

Name: Aunt Kelly
Location: Port Huron, Michigan
Email: specialk2790@aol.com
Message: Jeff, I think Sarah is now a permanent volunteer at your Boiling Point Races. She was telling her friend all about it again yesterday (also had her BP hat on). End of the conversation is that you rock!!!! Waiting for you to visit before the summer is gone. Have a cold one waiting for you...... Love you, Aunt Kel XXXOOO
Posted: Thursday, August 13th 8:26am

Name: Denis
Location: Massachusetts, USA
Email: goaskyourmother@gmail.com
Website: www.RunFasterDaddy.com
Message: Jeff, I'm super impressed by your site, your bio, and most of all your positive outlook on life. I'm envious of your race resume. As a weekend 5K warrior and marathoner in training, I'll keep your determination in mind and look forward to following your progress and continued success. Keep rockin it man! Peace, Denis
Posted: Friday, June 19th 9:45pm

Name: Derrick Lewis
Location: Dickinson,Texas
Email: ampufreedom@yahoo.com
Website: www.ampufreedom.com
Message: Hey whats going Jeff, thanks for the advice about how to run my non - profit. Would love to see you become member of my website. Maybe we can link up. Peace and stay positive !!!
Posted: Sunday, April 5th 10:00pm

Name: crystal
Location: united states
Email: cdjohnson6404@yahoo.com
Message: Glad to see you are fine.I have a 3 yr old daughter with TAR Syndrome.You give high hopes on what her life will be like.
Posted: Saturday, February 21st 2:13am

Name: Scott Whittal
Location: Denver, CO
Message: Hey May Your site is very cool, I'm impressed with your accomplishments. You continue to be an inspiration to me as an adult, as you always have been growing up. Keep it up bro. Scott
Posted: Wednesday, February 18th 7:42pm

Name: Pam the Muffet
Location: Buffalo, NY
Email: pgorman@daemen.edu
Message: It is no surprise for me to read your comments here. I am so happy that life is good... I wish you and yours the best in 2009, Jeff!
Posted: Monday, January 5th 3:15pm

Name: James Davison
Message: Mayfontaine...just saw you on KVS. Spenny's such an asshole. You rocked...
Posted: Monday, December 15th 11:21pm

Name: Zac Gough
Location: London Ontairo
Email: countryboy12107@hotmail.com
Message: hey jeff i just saw u on kenny vs spenny and you rock on the drums
Posted: Monday, December 15th 9:32pm

Name: Julie Guardalabene
Location: Chicago,IL
Email: julieguardalabene@hotmail.com
Message: It was nice to meet you at the Chicago marathon. Hope you enjoyed our beautiful city. I love your imdomitable spirit. You are an inspiration! God bless you!
Posted: Thursday, October 16th 11:06am

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